January 24, 2011

Pure Bliss!

It happened! It finally happened!!! I know what I'm doing with my life. I have a plan. And it's achievable and real and something I really want to do! I can't wait to start running with this idea :)
If you know me...or have read my blog at all haha...you know that for quite some time I've been struggling to find something to do for a career. Well my dear ones...I have finally made a decision!! Hooray! Are you excited? I am excited haha. I bet you are thinking ok, what the crap is it that she is so excited about doing for the rest of her life huh ;) Ok I will tell you now. I am going to get a bachelors in business. After I get that done I'm going to cosmetology school. While at cosmetology school I will be doing some research and other things so that I can open either a salon or a spa of my own! Woohoo!! Doesn't that sound just fabulous?? I can't tell you how awesome I feel 1) because I finally made a career choice and 2) because I'm actually excited for all of this! Another cool part is Kelsey may be a part of this whole business scheme as well. The reason that is so cool is because our whole lives we've talked about and pretended to own businesses together...and our dreams just might be coming true! PS...as a side note, I'm still going to get yoga certified :) Haha I really want to do that just cause and I will perhaps do it as a side something or summer something. Feel free to share your opinions on my new future plans! And to all that are close to me :) Hit me up if you ever need any sort of cosmetology-ness done...well when I get into that school k! Wish me luck!

Little Dragon - After The Rain

Holy Hannah Montana people! This video is epic...and I'm totally obsessed with this band. This is my favorite song...for now ;) Check it out!

January 23, 2011


I just have to blog about this girl...well woman I should say ;) I absolutely love my dearest sister Carissa. She is absolutely amazing in every way! I am willing to bet that most people that know us would say we're a lot alike (I hope haha). Although we are really different in a lot of ways too. I want to tell you all a bit about her, and why I love her so much.

Carissa is a goon!! She is so freaking hilarious I can't even stand it! Haha. I think a lot of times she doesn't even try to be funny, but she just is :) It's in her blood...thanks to our parents ha. I know that we have shared some awesome and hilarious times together! I love that even if things go horribly wrong, she'll have a positive attitude and always look to the future knowing that things will always get better.

Carissa has no fear. None at all. And I mean that in so many ways. She's not afraid of what people think or feel about her. She's not afraid to try new things and experiment with life and everything else. She's not afraid to be vegan ;) She's not afraid to hike alone or go out on crazy adventures just cause. She's not afraid of life's uncertainties. I admire her for that, for her courage. I know she has a lot of faith and strength to be able to live life that way.

Carissa loves unconditionally. If you haven't ever met Carissa, you may not know this, but she loves everyone! If she could, and she probably will, she would spend her whole life traveling the world so she could help anyone and everyone. Her service in the Peace Corps, and her time in Ghana doing other humanitarian things speak for themselves. She loves to help people in any way possible. In all honesty, I think we all have some of that from our dear Padre. He is awesome. Casio, is definitely a good example of a selfless person. I want to grow up and be just like her :)

Carissa never gives up. She is the greatest example to me, of what it means to never back down. Anyone who has lived her life would not be able to go through what she has and still be able to be as amazing as her. Carissa knows what's right and good and she'll fight to keep that a part of her life. I know she always will. She'll never give up, no matter how hard or crazy or dumb things may get. She's a fighter

Carissa is a great listener. Whenever I've a needed a go-to person or friend to let me cry to, Carissa was there for me. I still remember writing her while she was in Africa and how awesome her letters were. I remember being so excited to write to her and hear her advice for me. She's been there for me through so much. Pulled me up when I've fallen, brushed of the dirt when I was muddy, and held and umbrella up when it was raining. When I need a shoulder to cry on or a friend's hug, she's there for me. To listen and help me out.

Carissa is my big sister. She is amazing in every way. I look up to her in so many aspects of life...one could say it's a bit creepy how I want to be like her haha. Perhaps I am obsessed. But who better to want to be like than my big sister and best friend. I love you Carissa. Thanks for always being there for me!