RDT or Repertory Dance Theater is an amazing professional dance company that is based right here in SLC! This is a wonderful photo that is from their website. If you want to check them out go to: www.rdtutah.org They teach classes and have awesome performances!
Ok so now that I put my plug in for RDT, I want to do a little explaining :) This semester I am on the modern dance co. at Weber. I absolutely love it! This semester we are doing a bit of a project with RDT. Ya, that's right. We are working with RDT haha. It's a little something called Green Map. You can find more information about it on the website (found above) but basically we are promoting green and sustainable living among young students. Involvement in the community and cultural stuff is a big part of it as well. I love this company, and they are so talented! I want to be like them when I grow up :) Well now...I get to perform with them!!!! Yay!!! I'm so excited! Me and a few others from the company are going to be a part of Local Business. It's kind of a small part, but I still think the opportunity to dance with them is awesome! I cannot wait and I just wanted to share my excitement with you all.
Wish me luck!
I am very excited for you! Good luck!