June 17, 2011


Ok so I know I'm a little behind the bandwagon here, but I just made myself a LDS.org account a week ago or so. Holy cow. It is so amazing! I strongly encourage those of you who don't have one, to get one! I have been sort of playing around with it these days and it is just great! The Study Notebook is awesome. It keeps things that I highlight or mark and then I can organize everything. And I'm even beginning to actually keep a journal. I hate to write in a journal, but typing I can do. Having it online and secure, for real, makes me very happy inside :) Yay for LDS.org! What an amazing experience it was to get that going. I can't wait to do more exploring.

Along those same church topics...I thought that I would share a little testimony builder that I have recently had. I hope this isn't too personal, but I feel like sharing. Maybe it will help someone out there who is struggling. Here goes:

A good friend of mine who's serving a mission right now has an awesome Mission President that wanted the entire mission to read the Book of Mormon. There are a bunch of things that you have to mark with different colors and such while reading. It's over a 12 week time period so that means about 7 pages of reading per day. Well, the President invited the missionaries to let family members know about it. Lucky for me, his mom thought of me too. I can honestly say that I think the Lord inspired her to send it to me. Anywho, I was soooo excited about it. I couldn't wait. And I have been doing it pretty well (it started May 18th). The other day though I realized that I was actually farther behind then I thought. So as I was going to bed at like 10:30 I decided I would read like...one days worth just so I don't keep getting farther and farther behind. Jokes on me! I was so sucked into that book that I couldn't put it down! I stayed awake for a good two hours just hanging on every word in the Book of Mormon. For years and years have I been wanting an experience like this, and boy did I get it! It was just about the coolest experience I have ever had. I was so into what I was reading that I cried when King Noah killed Abinadi. I wanted to call out and warn Alma and his 450 followers that the armies were coming. I wanted to slap Limhi for binding Ammon and those guys when he thought they were Noah's priests. It was epic. I have never had such a stronger testimony of the Book of Mormon and the words that are in it. From doing this challenge, I have been so blessed that I can't even begin to tell you about how I've changed and grown. I can tell you that I've never had a stronger desire to be good and to keep the commandments. I can feel the Spirit more in me than I have even when I was a young and good haha. It has been such a blessing. I can't wait to keep reading and reading and reading some more! Joseph Smith Jr. was not kidding when he said we would draw closer to God by this book than any other.

I'm so grateful that I could do this and I hope that somehow you can all experience this if you haven't already.

June 2, 2011

Good vs. Evil

While driving to work today, we started talking about dreams that we've had. Well just the other night I had the weirdest dream. I thought that maybe I was just insane, but I just decided that it actually was a cool dream. Before I go into a little more detail, let me just give some background info. Comic/Superhero movies are the new thing right now. I love that they are, but they are on my mind ALL the time. The night that I had this really weird dream was after I had just seen "Thor" for the second time with my dad and sister. Also, there were like 4 previews for new superhero movies coming out. With that background...let's get to the dream.

Like most dreams I have, and I think other people's as well, I have no idea where this dream started. That being said, what I remember is it being dark and I was in outer space. I was on some sort of huge ship thing. Something maybe like Star Trek. Apparently I was the captain or something. People kept coming to me and asking questions and I was directing and supervising and such. We were preparing for war. It was good vs. evil, and I was to be the leader of the good side. Come to find out, I actually was fighting Satan and his armies. It was going to be the most epic of all battles, and I knew it. We were preparing and getting our weapons and supplies ready and what not. Then it was time. "Evil's" ship pulled up by us and the war began. It was crazy. People were getting killed and killing like mad. The weirdest thing though was that we were all fighting with light sabres. Epic right?? Ya, it was intense. We fought and fought and fought. Finally it was time...for me to face Satan. It was crazy. I can't really remember the whole fight, but I'm pretty sure I got pretty messed up and so did he. In the end, I won. I conquered Satan and the Evil army. We were about to have a party to celebrate our victory....and then I woke up.

What a dream huh? I didn't think much of it, but it is so cool that in my mind I can see myself winning a war against Satan. Subconsciously I conquered. Perhaps I am just a weirdy, but that means a lot to me. I know that I can beat him, and that I have power of him. I will most definitely come out on top. I can't wait to have de-ja-vu of that dream. :) Satan better get ready, because one day I am going to kick his trash...maybe even with a light sabre. Haha :)

Geographer - Kites

And here is another awesome song! I never realized the wonders that you can find on iTunes. It was so great to just search the store and find wonderful music like this. I hope you enjoy it :)

PS...I also very much love "Original Sin" by Geographer as well. It really is just so good. I drove home from PC jamming to these guys with my windows down. Pure bliss.