Like most dreams I have, and I think other people's as well, I have no idea where this dream started. That being said, what I remember is it being dark and I was in outer space. I was on some sort of huge ship thing. Something maybe like Star Trek. Apparently I was the captain or something. People kept coming to me and asking questions and I was directing and supervising and such. We were preparing for war. It was good vs. evil, and I was to be the leader of the good side. Come to find out, I actually was fighting Satan and his armies. It was going to be the most epic of all battles, and I knew it. We were preparing and getting our weapons and supplies ready and what not. Then it was time. "Evil's" ship pulled up by us and the war began. It was crazy. People were getting killed and killing like mad. The weirdest thing though was that we were all fighting with light sabres. Epic right?? Ya, it was intense. We fought and fought and fought. Finally it was time...for me to face Satan. It was crazy. I can't really remember the whole fight, but I'm pretty sure I got pretty messed up and so did he. In the end, I won. I conquered Satan and the Evil army. We were about to have a party to celebrate our victory....and then I woke up.
What a dream huh? I didn't think much of it, but it is so cool that in my mind I can see myself winning a war against Satan. Subconsciously I conquered. Perhaps I am just a weirdy, but that means a lot to me. I know that I can beat him, and that I have power of him. I will most definitely come out on top. I can't wait to have de-ja-vu of that dream. :) Satan better get ready, because one day I am going to kick his trash...maybe even with a light sabre. Haha :)
Wow. That's a cool dream. And I'm pretty sure that one will come true (minus the light sabres). :) Thanks for sharing!