July 20, 2011

A day...

in the mountains can work wonders on the soul :) See for yourself!...

(Fruit dip=food of the Gods)

(Isn't my motha so cute!?)

(Even Jezz enjoyed herself)

(Food and games are all you need.)

(I took up a bag with crayons and coloring books in it, and I happened to find some acrylic paint at the bottom of the bag. I couldn't resist!)

(I fell asleep listening to this)

( Kathryn is a cutie too!)

(What's camping without a uke and some jams??)


  1. Sweet facepaintin :) Also I saw you today on 72 going thru the gauntlet of stop and slow signs. Hope you made it ok :)

  2. Looks like you guys are having so much fun! I'm so jealous!!
