I am sure that I am not the only one in the world to have those times in life where you just want to cry. When life becomes so unbearable that you just want to curl up into a ball and cry away, what do you do? I'm having a really hard time managing all of my stress and emotions. Seriously, I'm to the point where I'm starting to literally just feel exhausted and sick because there is so much. Work. School. Friends. Dance. Maintaining my house. All of these things just seem to be piling up! I work best when I'm in a crunch, but this crunch is putting me out of commission. I am un-motivated (I don't even know if that is a word ha) to do anything. My Mom loves to remind me that I have limits and that I can't do everything. I don't know why I don't take that to heart. Instead I try to kill myself with taking on so much. But anywho...enough sadness. Yes I am stressed and yes I just want someone to cry to, but that's why I'm a Latter Day Saint. I have my Heavenly Father and Brother to turn to when things get crazy. They know what I'm going through and know how to help me. Yes...I find myself wishing there was a person I could cry to that would just come on over to my house whenever I needed it, but really I can just talk to my Father. Prayer is how I will talk to him, and when I need advice or words of wisdom from Him, I'll read my scriptures. A good cry I feel is quite necessary, and I know He would love to here from me. Hopefully my chats with him will uplift my spirits and keep me sane.
Take everything one day at a time. Sometimes it's just an hour at a time. You are going to do just fine! And yes! Prayer definitely is the key!