I still have not decided on a major or career choice...but I do think I have found something that I would just love to do! I'm currently taking French and I absolutely love it. It's kind of complicated and con
fusing some, but it's a beautiful language and I hope to be amazing at it one day. To go along with that, I think that I will minor in French. My plan is to follow in my dear cousin's teacher's footsteps haha. After I graduate, or maybe after I just get that minor, I am going to move to France. There I plan to be a nanny and work lots :) That way my French will improve, and I will be able to learn so much more about the people and their culture. I think it sounds absolutely fabulous! I've always wanted to go to France, but living there and being a part of life there would be splendid!! I was talking to my sis Casio about it, and if we can find some cool PA/governmentness happening there, then she is coming with me :) I cannot wait. Alas...I do still need to decide on a major, but this whole nanny business has got me really excited about French! Wish me luck! Au revoir!

Wow! That is pretty exciting! you will have to keep us posted!