August 29, 2010


Oh Yeah. (That was a super deep manly voice like the actual kool-aid guy haha) Anywho...I absolutely LOVE kool-aid! It is just so wonderful! My awesome cousin and I have seriously and sincerely grown to be quite fond of it. Not only are there tons of delicious flavors to choose from, but you also drink a lot more water. I've never really liked drinking water. I remember when my family would go backpacking and my dad would get upset with me because I wasn't drinking enough water. I don't know why, but it would make me sick if I drank a lot. When I dance or work-out super hard I do need water and I will drink a lot, but kool-aid is "aiding" me in the obtaining of eight glasses a day, that according to most health specialists we need :) It has sugar which some people would say is a downside, but to me it's a definite plus. Kelsey and I always go crazy when we drink and we have some great memories already. I love it so much and I think that we will have kool-aid in our house all of the time, unless we are out of it or sugar haha. If you ever want some, come on over!

August 23, 2010

Fall 2010

The new semester has begun, and holy Hannah Montana has it flipped my world around. I thought that I was excited and ready for school to begin...but I've discovered you simply can't ever be ready for it or super excited haha.

I'm slightly nervous about this semester. I know that I'm going to have soooo much homework and for some ridiculous reason I cannot manage my time very well. I procrastinate too haha. I really just hope that I will be able to organize myself enough to stay on top of everything, especially since I will be working as well.

Hmmm...I say enough negativity! I will do well in school! I will love working and excel there! I will manage my time well! And...I will love this year :) In all honesty I am excited to be back at Weber. I have grown to love this school and the friends I've made here. It's going to be a fantastic year and I can't wait...for it to be over haha...but I also can't wait to really get into it!

Wish me luck! (And good luck to all who are in school as well!)

August 22, 2010

Pizza Artist!

So I have started my new job! I'm working at Papa Murphy's again. My cousin and uncle are business partners and have franchised a couple of the stores. One in Holladay, one in Sandy, and now one in Ogden! :) I actually have worked for them before at the Holladay store, but I had to quit. It was during high school...and basically my life was crazy haha. So wonderful cousin Kelsey is our manager and Kathryn and I are just working there so we can have money for groceries and other necessities. I will admit I was a bit nervous to start working there again. I had grown quite fond of working in Park City and for the Huber family. They are pretty much amazing in every way and I wasn't sure I was ready to let go of that job. But alas, I could not be spending hours driving to and from work while also being in school full time. It was just too much. Basically this whole Papa Murphy's store here in Ogden was a total blessing. It really couldn't have been any better. Moving on...I totally love work!! It is so much fun. We're always busy so time goes by really fast and all the people that work there are cool to work with so that's always nice haha. Since both Kathryn and I have worked there before Kyle and Kelsey just had us jump right into everything. I will admit it was a bit overwhelming! Especially since I haven't worked there for like 2 years or more. Sheesh! Haha. Lucky for me, everything came back and I was running register and making pizzas like I'd never left. I have to admit, I'm still really slow at making pizzas...but I'm getting better :) I'm grateful I have a job here that I enjoy. I'm not going to be completely broke this year! Woot woot! And hopefully soon I will officially grow up and start paying for my own things ha. I've been quite spoiled. My parents pay for just about everything! I'm very grateful of course but it's time I start paying for my own things, and this job will make it possible! If you are ever in Ogden, stop by and grab a pizza!

August 17, 2010

The xx - Islands

Ok everyone...this is my new favorite band. The XX. They are from London and only like 20 years old! Gosh I love them so much :) This one isn't my all time favorite but I just recently decided I love the music video. I'm all about modern dance and this video combined modern dance and awesome music, hence the reason I love it so much ha! Enjoy!! :D

August 16, 2010


I've always considered myself a patient person. I do have a tendency to get mad over silly things, but if I do it's because I've let things build up inside of me. Typically speaking...I'm well reserved, I try not to complain, and I do my best to get along well with everyone. Patience to me is a very important and should be a very desired attribute in a person. I admire and look up to people that put up with so much and do it with such class that I actually get kind of jealous of them. I could certainly name at least 5 people that I look up to in that way, but I think that is too personal for this post. Anywho...I am patient, but I'm starting to feel less and less patient everyday. I don't know what it is. I feel like I'm going crazy. Like something has snapped and now I'm paranoid and frustrated and, of course losing my patience. I hate waiting. Especially waiting with expectations. Why is it that I can't just focus on every day, one at a time, and be happy with everything that I have instead of wanting more from it? What do I do when I want something so bad but can do nothing but wait because there is nothing I can do to make anything happen faster? I just feel helpless when I have to wait. I want to be in charge and in control and I'm still trying to learn how to handle situations when I can't be in charge or in control. Ugh. I guess I'm just rambling now. To sum everything up...I'm patient, but not when it comes to waiting for things. Perhaps one day I will learn to not let the wait bug me. This actually brought a quote to my mind from the awesome cartoon "Avatar: The Last Airbender." It's by this hippie guy and his wife...they say, "You need to focus less on the where and more on the going." Tweaking that to fit this situation, I would say I need to focus more on what's here and now and less on what I expect and am waiting for.

August 11, 2010


Ukulele. Ukulele. Ukulele. I could just say that word over and over again. Not only because it's a pretty radical word, but mostly because I love the uke. Growing up, I've always had polynesian friends, and thus been exposed ukulele music. I always liked it, but it wasn't until high school that I realized just how much. I have a passion for the ukulele. It's filled the place of the piano right now in my life since I can't exactly take my piano with me to college, and I don't own a keyboard. There is something about that the ukulele that just makes everything in life better. I play when I'm stressed or angry or upset, and it's almost like the uke takes my mind out of all the craziness of this world and puts it in my..."happy place" haha :) I have a uke with me pretty much all of the time. I keep one in my car just in case I ever want it and then I have two at home. They are my babies. I dream about being an amazing ukulele player. I'm going to keep teaching myself and hopefully the long hours of playing around with it will pay off. Perhaps I'll move to Hawaii and take lessons haha. Who knows?! It's certainly possible I guess. Below are the ukes that I own right now...and one day I plan to make one all on my own! With the help of my dad haha. Don't worry, I'll post something about it when it happens ;) Tofa! Aloha! Nofo a e!

August 9, 2010

i can see clearly now!


I got new glasses! I'm sooo excited about them :) I guess I may be kind of lame because I have a tendency to follow trends (I'm still working on making my own haha). Anywho...I'm going for the chic nerd look! Woot woot! I am kind of at the point in my life where I don't care what people think about me. Basically if I like it, in this case fashion trends/statements, then I do it! Why not right? A good friend once told me that if you want to pull a look off then you can't question it, just do it and it'll look good because you go at it with full force. So that's what I'm doing! I'm just going for it haha. If you've read my previous blogs then you'll know that I am switching up my look. These new glasses are just another step in that process :) Check them out!

August 4, 2010

our MTV crib ;)

Our loverly front door! It doesn't have the trim and stuff on it quite yet, but it's still cute! If you ever come to visit us, this is the door you will use! :)
For 3 girls...this bathroom is tiny!!! But it was recently re-done. It's really nice and we can just get ready in our big bedrooms! Holla!

Ummm...ya! There is totally a fireplace! :) Woot woot!

I'm sure you could tell this, but this is our living room/dining room. That super stunning card table is the kitchen table. We're definitely upper class no? Haha.

Don't you love our kitchen?? I do!! It's a bit small, but still fabulous! Not a ton of storage space, but we will make do with what we've got :)

Kathryn's room! It was all put together LOOOONNNG before mine and Kelsey's haha.

This bedroom is mine and Kelsey's. Notice our awesome bunk beds :) Thanks to Kyle for those!

Here is the massive pile of boxes that are now empty and stacked against our living room wall haha.
So there you are folks! That is our new and cute apartment! We all love it so much and would love to have any and all come see it. It's still in a mass disarray because we haven't completely settled in yet...but if you don't mind, we don't mind :) Come on over!

August 1, 2010

a new leaf

Well is time for a new leaf to be turned over in my life. I've moved away from home before and I was fine, but this time feels so much different. I'm not just moving into student housing now. We (we meaning Kelsey, Kathryn, and I) have our own apartment that's off campus and everything. We're officially grown up ha. There are so many thoughts that have been running through my head about all of this apartment business! I just don't know what to make of them all. I am both splendidly excited and terribly anxious.

Perhaps this is a bit much to say on a blog...but I feel like expressing my feelings. So here I go. I'm super excited about having a place all to my own. It's going to be so much fun! We all get along quite well. We all have the same standards and such so that will keep us happy and comfortable :) I think the reason that I am most excited is just that having an off-campus apartment is a huge step in the growing up process. Living away is definitely a big one, but there is a very different feeling about living in a basement apartment versus a huge dorm building. I'm not really one of those people that never wants to grow up. Of course I miss being a kid and really wouldn't mind staying young, for I know I would have a blast, but as a kid all I could think about was growing up. I wanted to have a job and be older all the time. I would dream about being married and having a family and career, etc etc. I've just sort of always wished my life would somehow accelerate so I could experience being an adult. Well this apartment business is just a step closer to all those things that I dreamed about as a kid. And yes it makes me nervous, but I'm so excited for it all! I love to do adult things and be all grown up. Everyone teases me because those who know me best know that I am, and always will be, a kid at heart, but I like to be mature about things and be..."learned in the ways of adulthood" haha.

I think the fear of this new place mostly comes from two main points. The first is simply I am terrified to be poor again. I hate that feeling of realizing that you have no money for food or other things. It's scary to me. I know that being poor is a normal and an expected part of life for college students, but I hate it. I don't know many people that do like it ha. It just adds to my stress and anxiety. On the up-side, I am learning to budget and manage myself so that I don't have to be in want or need. I don't spend frivolously or anything anymore :) Woot! Secondly, I'm slightly nervous because our basement isn't big. It's really quite small and there will be three girls living together. I've never really had much girl drama, but I just worry that we will get sick of each other. I am going to do my best to hold my tongue, be respectful, and work together. I know we will have a good time if we all learn to sacrifice our own personal wants and such for each other. I just hope we can all do that.

Having experienced both living at home and being away from home, I have found there are a lot of things to be grateful for in each of the circumstances. Being away from home has taught me so much and helped me grow in so many ways! I had no idea that merely moving away could do that for me. I've discovered new passions, new ideas, and frankly a new me. I was able to put things behind me and focus more on my future instead of blunders I've made in the past. It really is quite refreshing. I recommend moving away. Even if only for a short time. I've learned to love and appreciate my parents so much more. We communicate better and more now then in the 17 years I lived at home. I have discovered the importance of the Gospel and how much I need it to make it through anything in life. I have learned to manage my spending and make sacrifices. Perhaps I was merely selfish and didn't wish to learn these things while at home. For I am sure there are many people out there that don't have to "leave the nest" in order to discover who they are and want they want to do with their lives. While I think they are quite lucky and blessed to be that way, I wouldn't trade my experiences away from home for anything.

I just talked about the...blessings I guess from being away from home. Now I would like to focus more on the things I've learned to love and appreciate about being home. Oh my! I must first begin by praising my mother. Never had I realized how much she does for me and really the entire family! Not only is she in school and working, but she still finds time to tidy up the house and support us in our endeavors. She is a light and example to everyone. Especially me. Growing up I never realized what an important role she played in my life. I know, love, cherish her more now then ever. I love being at home where I don't have to worry about roommates who behave in a way I find repulsive. I don't stress about not having enough money to buy food to eat because we always have something in our fridge or food storage I can whip up. I feel loved and accepted for my differences instead of judged. And the best thing about being home is that I'm close to the people I love the most.

I feel safe and happy and comfortable at home. I hope that we can make our new apartment to feel like a home. Soon enough we will find out :) I will be posting pictures soon of our new little place!!!