August 9, 2010

i can see clearly now!


I got new glasses! I'm sooo excited about them :) I guess I may be kind of lame because I have a tendency to follow trends (I'm still working on making my own haha). Anywho...I'm going for the chic nerd look! Woot woot! I am kind of at the point in my life where I don't care what people think about me. Basically if I like it, in this case fashion trends/statements, then I do it! Why not right? A good friend once told me that if you want to pull a look off then you can't question it, just do it and it'll look good because you go at it with full force. So that's what I'm doing! I'm just going for it haha. If you've read my previous blogs then you'll know that I am switching up my look. These new glasses are just another step in that process :) Check them out!


  1. I Like I Like! :) They aren't too trendy. :) They're a step away from the usual ray bans. I dig :) You look great!

  2. They are so you! You really rock that look my dear!
