October 12, 2010

a boost of confidence

I know that two posts in one night is a bit ridiculous...but I just have to share a wee bit about my experience. My braces are no more! Woot woot! I had them removed on October 7, 2010. Wow it is seriously amazing haha. I suppose I should feel lucky that I only had them for a year and 8 months. I know that a lot of people have them for a lot longer than that, but nonetheless, I wanted them off so bad. I don't regret getting braces. They did wonders on my teeth. What bugged me the most was that I had them at a dumb point in life haha. My senior year of high school and first year of college. I have always been younger then the people in the same year of school as me. And it just makes it worse when you have braces. I felt like a little kid and I honestly think that a lot of people saw me that way. Well...now I don't have them! I feel older, I look older, and I now believe that I am older haha. I love not having braces. It definitely was a confidence booster. I feel pretty...oh so pretty! I feel pretty and witty and....cool :) I can smile with pride! Holla!

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