October 12, 2010

managing my time

So I've never been good at managing my time. I always always taken on more than I can handle. I think it is some sort of disease haha. I'm going to call my disease...ilmanagitis. It's said, eel-man-a-gi-tis. I hate this disease. Oh. so. much. I have decided to fight it. I talked to my mom the other day and she gave me some really good tips and pointers on managing my time and sort of scheduling my life out...if you will. I am making a commitment to myself to be better. I am going to be motivated. I am blessed with so much and I should not be taking advantage of it. I will work hard and push myself to be organized and do all that I can without killing myself. I think we all have some version of ilmanagitis. And we all have to come up with some way to overcome our weaknesses. It's nice to have a mom to go to that knows exactly what it's like to have a full plate. I love you mom. Thanks! :)

1 comment:

  1. I have that disease too! And you definitely do have a mom who understands. :) I love you both!
