Now that you've had some background, let me get to the real story.
So last night I was skyping my most lovely friend, Miss Jebbica, until the wee hour of 12:30. (Ok yes, that's not really that late, but whatever.) After we said our goodbyes I found myself browsing the web for no apparent reason. To be honest, I don't even remember what I was doing. Needless to say, the next time I checked the clock it was 2:30. I thought to myself, "Well poop. I best get to bed since I have to get up at like 7 to help pack up stuff for the day." Little did I know what awaited me this morning. At 5 in the morning my mom comes in and says this, "Laura, Heather's basement is flooded and we are going up there to help. Do you want to come?" My first thought was obviously me wondering if this was a joke, but I soon realized that it was not. Poor Heather and Shane! Their basement was full of water that was 4 inches deep...EVERYWHERE! I quickly got up, my dad packed up some shovels and tarps and off we went to their house. Well...jokes on us! It was raining and snowing and hailing this morning! That seriously does not help when there is already a ton of water all over the yard and down in the basement. So anywho...we get there and seriously there was sooooooooooo much water everywhere. From what I gathered from the neighbors, the city had broken some drain thing a while ago and never fixed it and it floods up the elementary school's yard/field thing and then floods the neighborhood. Basically there was a small lake in the yard of the school, and it was rapidly flowing into my sister's yard and flooding the basement. We immediately got to work getting sand bags and piling them up to keep more water from going downstairs. My brother-in-law's dad was a genius and took off the toilet so a ton of water was going down the drain. Thank goodness for that! After we had got the basement blocked off an the yard all sand-bagged, we got to cleaning. We threw away a ton of stuff that got ruined. Luckily though, there was a lot we could save. One sad thing though, her laundry was on the floor in the laundry room and it was completely soaked!! We had to take a journey to the laundro-mat. Ya...we did 17 loads of laundry and got it all cleaned and folded. We were at the house working for a good 5 hours. It was intense. I took some pictures so you could kind of experience it to the slightest degree.
On a happier note, it really sucks that their basement got flooded, but it was so fun to be with the family. We were working hard and really just enjoying life ha (minus H and S). Leave it to my family to make a bad situation better with humor :) Later today we went bowling which was quite hilarious, ate at El Matador's, and then we came home and just relaxed after a long and eventful day.
Here are some pictures from the day...
We are nerds.
Ya...I'm kind of a creep haha.
Aren't they just adorable?? :)
My mom is pretty good as well :)
Julie had excellent technique! She only got less then 7 like twice :)
My dad is pretty good at bowling haha.
Typical Tanner and Carissa being weirdy's!
Cute Ben and Julie...the parents to be :)
My Dad got his highest score bowling, EVER, today :) And please notice how they spelled "Lollipop" haha.
It definitely wasn't the Memorial Day I was expecting, but we had fun and I don't think I'll ever forget it :) those of you in my family that went to the church, I love you all and missed you today!
PPS...I can't get the pictures of the flood to work, so I will post those tomorrow when I'm not exhausted.
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