May 27, 2011


I've been realizing that my posts have been getting progressively worse over time. I can't figure out why. Perhaps I am just becoming a boring person (I would like to think that I'm not). I just don't get it though. Is there nothing to talk about? Am I really just a crappy writer? Do I just have no profound thoughts ever? I think I am going to try and analyze more things in life so that I can blog about them. Haha...but seriously. If I can't find something to blog about then I'm not looking hard enough. There is so much goodness and such to share with you who read this and I'm not doing a good job. So, at this time I would like to apologize to all who take any interest in reading this here blog. I will do my best to find things that are fun and wonderful and beautiful to blog about so as to keep your interest, and keep me from feeling dumb. Yay! So anywho...I'm off to read before I sleep. Good night!


  1. It's called bloggers block. We all get it sometimes. But you are right, if you look hard enough- there's always something to write about! :)

  2. and by the way....NONE of your posts have been lame! :)
